Commodore / Treasurer:
Shelly Parks
Shelly began sailing in 2008 out
of Fiddler's Cove and as a volunteer crew member for beer cans at Navy Yacht Club San Diego. She
was absolutely hooked the very first time the sails were raised and the engine turned
After co-owning a Passport 42 for
four years, that was more project than functional sailing vessel, she bought her own Catalina
30' in January 2016 and is looking forward to gaining more experience as its Skipper.
She has volunteered as treasurer
or bookkeeper for multiple organizations since high school, from Student Government, to a
church in Sacramento, and more recently as the treasurer of NYCSD for three years.
She joined PLYC in 2015 and
stepped up as its treasurer in early 2016 with the loss of Bob Kearns.
Shelly is a Research Associate for a biotech company and is raising two teen-aged