point loma yacht club  

point loma yacht club





PLYC Treasurer Bob KearnsTreasurer: Bob Kearns

Bob Kearns is a retired Horticulturist and has been racing for over 20 years doing mostly foredeck.

He enjoys spending his time babysitting his daughter Kristi Lee’s baby girl Makena Lee




Woody’s Whale Watching
Woodys Whale Sail

PLYC Opening Day
 PLYC Opening Day

Bob Kearns Memorial Race
 Bob Kearns Race

Memorial Day Raft-Up
 Memorial Day Raft

Jimmy Rogers Memorial Race
J. Rogers Mem Race

PLYC july 4 raft up
Landlubbers Party

Crew of Two Around the Coronados Race
Crew of Two Race

Charity Bay Race & Auction
Charity Bay Race

Labor Day Raft-Up
Labor Day Raft

IOBG Charity Race

Extreme Sailing Series 2018
Xtreme Sailing Series

PLYC Commodore’s Ball
Commodores Ball

Parade of Lights Party
Holiday Party
Parade of Lights